Passwords are required to access the complaints reporting tool. An initial password is allocated to a nominated representative of each service. This representative is provided with 'administrator' level access. Users who have administrator level access to the tool are able to provide access to the tool (including passwords and login IDs) for other users in their service.
Each service is required to have at least one user with administrator level access to the ACR tool. Services will be initially asked to nominate one user to be the administrator for their service. Services will then be able to create additional users (including administrators) in the 'Staff Details' page of the tool. The names of all users and their level of access to the tool are displayed in the Staff Details page of the tool. If you require access to the tool, please contact the person within your service with responsibility for complaints reporting to create you as a user on the system. If you do not know who has access to the tool within your service or the person with access has left your service, please contact the Office of the Disability Services Commissioner.